Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Advert Evaluation Questions

1) The target audience for my advert is young to middle aged females who fit into the reformers category. The products key selling feature is that, unlike other products of its kind it is not harmful to the environment. This aspect is a commonly used device in many other products to help appeal to the group of people who are perhaps more concerned with matters such as the environment, fair-trade, health, etc. However it is unlikely that anyone within a C2 class or lower would buy the product as (reformer or not) these classes tends to choose the cheaper brands rather than the more specialist ones such as my product. Buy making the product eco-friendly it almost brainwashes the audience into thinking that by buying this product they are actually doing the world a service; the stereotypical reformer holds this as one of their key aspirations and hence the product will further appeal to this group.

The advert itself depicts several appealing factors to this category. The primary figure involved is a young female which conveys the message of who the product is aimed at (females.) Furthermore the transition between the before and after images suggests that the hair dye can bring you happiness. The hair colour of the female looks very natural which would appeal to its audience as those who are being targeted tend to go for a more natural look rather than an artificial one.

For this advert to reach the correct audience magazines would be extremely useful. Although the reformers category does not delve into “girly” magazines to the same degree they are nonetheless a strongly targeted group by these magazines. Or this reason this is one of the places where the advert should be featured. Another tactical place to put the ad would be in magazines and web pages with a cultured or eco-friendly theme; for example National Geographic or WWF.

2) Technology was absolutely vital in the construction of my advert. Firstly the camera used to take the initial photos was used to construct the bulk of the advert. I am very comfortable using the cameras and find no difficulties in changing the modes and settings to suit what I wish to create.

By using Photoshop I was able to manipulate the images in order to recreate them in an appropriate environment and get rid of anything unappealing about the pictures. In contrast to my abilities to using a camera I require more professional help in order for me to understand how to operate the system properly. However despite the initial complications Photoshop is a highly flexible and practical tool.

Websites such as DaFont aided me in creating an advert with more class to it. Without using online images for research and online tools for helping create a good looking ad the end product may have looked cheaper and poorly constructed due to having no frame of reference. Using the internet to find such things is very easy and moreover it itself can be used to help you use other areas of it.

Finally, Blogger has allowed me to show my advert to others in an extremely simple to use way, giving them the opportunity to compare theirs to mine and comment on the pro’s and cons. Although I have not completely mastered Blogger, I am confident in using the necessary basics required.

3) As my advert is primarily aimed at a female audience there is little to do with the masculine side. On the other hand as the advert implies that happiness can be brought about as a result of using the product it may appeal to men in a gift for a girl sense. As the key figure is a young female the female group is subsequently the one with the most representation in my advert. Furthermore younger people also have more depiction in the ad however this is very common and yet older people still purchase the products. Younger people require more representation as they are the ones who the consumers are trying to be by dying their hair and using other cosmetics. As a British product the model used is a white female and so other ethnic groups do not receive any attention. Nevertheless as the product is an eco-friendly one it does have a certain cultured element to it.

Those who receive higher representation are the ones that are most inclined to by the product. Young females are the main target audience for the majority of cosmetic supplies. This is because amongst this gender there is almost a pressure to use such items in order to blend with the crowd and look ones best. Males on the other hand tend to use other methods of achieving this and rarely use similar cosmetics, although male targeted versions are entering the public eye more and more. To the male audience this product is more likely to be something to be suggested to a female they know rather than actually for them. Finally, for many people the eventual goal of using various cosmetics is to feel and look younger than they are. Because of this it is important to use a younger model in order to give these consumers someone to aspire to and demonstrate to the already younger audience what they too can achieve.

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