Sunday, 3 April 2011

Question 5 How did you attract/address your audience?

My Target audience is males aged 15-21. In order to attract this audience I included various aspects of misé en scene that this audience could relate to. Items such as alcohol, cigarettes and an ipod humanise the character and allow the audience to relate to him. My audience can also relate to the feelings of anger and betrayal displayed by the protagonist. By allowing my audience to have a connection to the main character I have created a means for them associate themselves with the film.

As my target audience are males I also included factors that relate to masculinity. For example the motorbike has strong connotations of masculinity as do the leather jacket and gun. Furthermore the shooting scene shows a direct display of one male dominating another which again connects back to the idea of masculinity. Furthermore the way in which this macho behaviour has been presented suggests that to act like this is heroic allowing my audience to aspire to be like the protagonist.

This male empowerment is enhanced by the tense music which progressively builds in tempo and creates an aggressive atmosphere. The blunt sounds of the motorbike and gunfire create a charged ambience, especially the final shot which has no complimenting music thus enabling the gun to be the focus of attention.

I also attracted my audience by allowing them to empathise with the protagonist’s friend. We can’t help but feel sorry for this victim of circumstance. His confused, irritated and ultimately demoralized voice makes us want to discover what is going to happen to him and how he ended up in this situation.

Finally I ended on a cliff hanger. The black screen leaves us in the dark as to what has happened, we as an audience believe we know what has happened but it is impossible to tell until we see the rest of the film. This factor is commonly used in films either at the end of the opening scene or at the very end if the film has a sequel.

1 comment:

  1. You make some good points about your target audience and use of masculine behaviour and iconography in order to appeal to this audience.

    Shame about last picture! Also you could have explored use of sub genre and generic conventions which will appeal to audience.
